Doprava nad 2350,- ZDARMA
13 items total
stažený soubor (7)

Phenol Red plates for measuring ph in pool water. One plate contains 10 tablets. Measures the pH value in pool water. For manual measurement. Best selling measurement...

Code: 01426
6 image

Phenol Red tablets for measuring PH in pool water. One plate contains 10 tablets. Measures the pH value. For measurement in a !!! - digital tester (also called both...

Code: 03019
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DPD No.1 tablets for measuring free chlorine. One plate contains 10 tablets. Measures the free chlorine value. For measurement in a photometer !!! - digital tester (also...

Code: 03009

"DDPD 3 tablets for measuring total chlorine in Poollab 1 and Poollab 2 photometers. One plate contains 10 tablets. Measures the total chlorine value. For measurements in...

Code: 80149

DPD No.3 tablets for measuring total chlorine. One plate contains 10 tablets. Measures total chlorine. For measurement in a photometer- for digital tester !!! (also lubricated...

Code: 03014
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"DDPD 1 tablets for measuring free chlorine in a Poollab 1 or newer Poollab 2 photometer. One plate contains 10 tablets. Measures the free chlorine value. For measurement in a...

Code: 80148
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"Phenol Red tablets for Poollab 1 and Poollab 2 photometer - for measuring the pH in pool water. One plate contains 10 tablets. Measures the pH value. For measurement in a !!! -...

Code: 80150
4 image

DPD No.3 plates for measuring total chlorine. If you don't know whether to choose DPD No.1 or No.3, then choose No.1, the standard tester measures free chlorine. One plate...

Code: 01425
alkalinity measurement tablets for the pool photometer alkalinity m 10 szt water id

"Alkalinity (M) tablets for measuring alkalinity. One plate contains 10 tablets. When the alkalinity is too high, the ph is very stable and difficult to decrease; when the...

Code: 80151
3 image

DPDP Tablets No.4 for measuring reactive oxygen (O2). One plate contains 10 tablets. For manual measurement.    

Code: 16219
Bez názvu 1

"Alkalinity (M) tablets for measuring alkalinity. One plate contains 10 tablets. When the alkalinity is too high, the ph is very stable and difficult to decrease; when the...

Code: 80166
dpd4 photometer water i d 1

"The DPD No.4 plates for measuring reactive oxygen (O2). This value needs to be measured if you are using chlorine free chemistry - Oxy AG Aseko, Oxy Aseko, Oxi shock, Oxi...

Code: 80152
61X0wVEs5kL. AC UF1000,1000 QL80

"For measuring hydrogen peroxide at low concentrations up to 2.9mg/l. One plate contains 10 tablets. For measurements in a !!! - digital tester (also lubricated as...

Code: 80154

Základem pro čistou vodu v bazénu je pravidelné měření hodnot vody. Stačí nám měřit dvě základní hodnoty – chlor a pH. Chlor nám vodu udržuje čistou, správné pH zvyšuje účinnost chloru. Chlor by se měl pohybovat v mezi 0,5 až 1,3 mg/l, pH pak mezi 6,8 až 7,3.Nabízíme testery kapičkové, tabletkové i papírkové.

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