Doprava nad 2350,- ZDARMA
7 items total
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BST 5kg, pool super tablets, multifunctional 5in1 tablets for disinfecting pool water. 25pcs per pack, 200g tablets. Slow dissolving. Made in Germany. Pack suitable for the...

Code: 911040500
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Chlorine tablets for disinfection of pool water. 5 pcs per pack, 200g tablets. Slow dissolving. Made in Germany. Pack suitable for the whole season for small pools around 5m3.

Code: 911030100
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BST, multifunctional 5in1 tablets for pool water disinfection. 50pcs per pack, 20g tablets (as big as a bottle cap). Slow dissolving. Made in Germany. Pack suitable for the...

Code: CODE-56
stažený soubor (6)

BST, multifunctional 5in1 tablets for pool water disinfection. 50pcs per pack, 200g tablets. Slow dissolving. Made in Germany. Pack suitable for the whole season for medium...

Code: CODE-55

BST, multifunctional 5in1 tablets for pool water disinfection. 150pcs per pack, 20g tablets (as big as a bottle cap). Slow dissolving. Made in Germany. Pack suitable for the...

Code: CODE-54
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BST, 5in1 multifunctional tablets for pool water disinfection. 5pcs per pack, 200g tablets. Slow dissolving. Made in Germany. Pack suitable for the whole season for small pools...

Code: CODE-51
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Chlorine tablets for disinfection of pool water. 15pcs per pack, 200g tablets. Slow dissolving. Made in Germany. Pack suitable for the whole season for smaller pools around...

Code: CODE-20
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